Saturday 28 July 2012

Morrisey's London 2012 and 4x4's

What an amazing opening ceremony that was last night. I think all blogs throughout internet land must be referencing it in one way or another! It generally exceeded all expectations for me, and had more to it than one large dance routine that Beijing put on 4 years ago...

Here's the blog - expect Olympics dashed throughout! (predictable I know)

Great job Morrisey!

The man played a blinder last night. It went without a hi... What? It wasn't Morrisey? Who the hell is Danny Boyle?!

(See, I told you!)

Sorry Danny... Great Britain is proud of what happened in London last night - nice one!

The 4x4 Girls

My favourite part of visiting Tesco on a Saturday night is the distinct lack of decent parking spaces... and yes, it's due to mothers with 4x4's angled across the white lines. Is there a spark up there somewhere that says: "Oh my gosh, we are starting a family and our BMW isn't sufficient for a child seat - let's spend the pocket money on a 4x4". There's no offroad involved in picking up bread and milk 3 days a week - you look like a turd.


Okay I really hope I'm wrong here... but with things going so well at the ceremony, there could be a horrible anti-climax just around the corner. The fact that Mark Cavendish (who we all expected to win Gold) came somewhere in amongst the crowd at the finishing line is quite disturbing. I just hope after getting the attention of the entire country we don't see a massive let down. Come on GB! And let's face it, no other country (is there really one called Turkleton?) held their flag aloft like the mighty Hoy! Cool. Dude.

Enjoy the games or a drunken dancefloor session!



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