Friday 6 July 2012

Alfie Moon and Happy Mondays

Sublime! My mum and dad have just returned from Italy, bringing me gifts in the form of a cool ass bracelet (pictures to come when it's had a link taken out) and the token Toblerone that my bro and I request every year. Got to love the nougaty goodness. Okay, here goes nothing...


Have you seen this film?! If not, you're missing out. It's one of my favourites and the mention here comes from a song from its awesome soundtrack getting played on the radio today. I'll sum it up like this:

Andy Samberg. Isla Fisher. Lovejoy. Soundtrack including Europe and Queens of the Stone Age. Cool beans.

@cframe, the soundtrack is coming your way on Monday - be prepared!


I went to visit the rents upon their return from Italy earlier (to retrieve my Toblerone), and with Eastenders on in the background I couldn't help notice that Alfie Moon is a shell of his former self. He should totally ditch that Cat bird and get back on Don't Forget The Lyrics. Much more fun to be had there mate! Head up, she's a tart anyway.


Here's something that might get rid of your "post T in the Park depression".

Been to Vespbar in the centre of Glasgow yet? Well it's an Italian-style bar that opened last year, and it seems a pretty cool place. The best part is, they do free taster evenings on Monday nights, and this week it's Pimm's (which I've never had before - here goes nothing). So that's free booze, and they throw in pizza too. Don't say I'm not good to you.

Check this link out for a ticket and let me know if I'll be seeing you there:

Goodnight and much love



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