Sunday 15 July 2012

Burgers, smartphones and Indiana Jones

Hey guys, a couple of blogs light this week and it's down to playing on my new gadget - a Samsung Galaxy S3. I know the Apple lovers will shun me for my switch of allegiance, but at the end of the day, I now have the superior phone! Mwuhahahahaaa. Ahem, let's get started...


This is a really cool app that allows you to view your Twitter feed, Facebook timeline (yes all the pictures of people you hardly know's babies etc) and all the latest Style, Design, Sport news and a lot more - in one place. Just works really well and looks great too.

Check it out here (opens in new window)

Lunch in Glasgow

Who cares if you're trying to eat healthy, you give it all up for a fat b*stard lunch on a Friday. Well I do anyway - and this past week saw Strata on Queen Street act as the pleasuredome. It's the first time I've been in, and I'd give it a thumbs up. Sleek interior, decent service and good food. Try the burgers...

(Shaky - it was my first attempt with the new cam!)


So I haven't seen any of the fall out from the Haye v Chisora match last night (mostly due to a hangover coma) but it looked pretty good through my beer goggles at the time! I think my favourite part was the throwing of punches... there's not enough of it in boxing these days, mostly men in little shorts hugging a lot.

Harrison Ford

After watching The Temple of Doom earlier today, I'll keep this one short and sweet. Indiana Jones. Han Solo. The Fugitive. Bladerunner... The man's a legend.

Looking forward to what should be an interesting week... have a good one!




  1. Why, oh why, is your food being served on a chopping board (not to mention your chips apparently finding their home in a miniature deep fat fryer container)? I've got one exactly like that at home, the only difference being mine has some rather deep grooves in it as a result of some overenthusiastic vegetable mutilation. There's a reason why people have been eating off plates for the past few thousand years and no amount of trendy eateries serving food on stone tablets, marble platters, wooden chopping boards or translucent piping is going to change that.

    At least in this example, you have a handy groove around the outside to catch the melted fat/cheese that drips out of the burger. I got served a similar 'coronary delight' when I was up in Edinburgh a couple of months ago and it came on what was effectively a flat brick, making condiment/grease retention an absolute nightmare. I think this needs further discussion within society...and possibly an online petition.

    1. I would just add, I discussed this at work with a colleague today who was served their dinner on a slate in some restaurant or other. Slates go on the roof. Perhaps there was a typo when they were ordering stock - Cups: Check. Saucers: Check. Cutlery: Check. Slates: Slates? Don't you mean 'Plates'? Says 'Slates' on the order form guv. OK, fair enough.

      He also had a meal served on a chopping board. This also annoyed him.

    2. You'll find the more trendy and swav you go, the smaller the portions and the wider the variety of serving options will get. I do agree that the small 'gutter' on this board had obviously looked at the issue of cheesy fatness attacking your lap, so it wasn't too bad - but I rue the day that I drink Bailey's from a shoe.
