Wednesday 11 July 2012


Hey all. It's half way through the week and yeah, I'm still pissed at this rain. It ain't for stopping, so I'll try take yours and my mind off it for a few minutes.


Okay so as you know I'm properly into Instagram (Onestage A.M.) at the moment. The idea was to capture the summer with loads of pics, as I've never really taken enough in the past. You'd have maybe expected a few blackbirds singing, and the evening sun glittering over some slate rooftops. Well, instead it's been wet leaves and fellas like this bad boy...



The Killers are back with their new single 'Runaways' which aired last night on Zane Low's show. The problem with that is you have to listen to the rest of the garbage before getting to the good stuff.

It's called 'Runaways', which has a special place in the heart of me and my mate Alan (@alaniomartinetz) after we created a fake band of the same name to get some chat going with the girls in Ibiza a few years ago. Yes I'm cringing as we speak and I'm, sure Al is also.

ANYWAY, the track seems to take the mellow instrumentals from Day and Age and compliments these with a drum beat more familiar to the Sam's Town album. A really good effort, and I'm looking forward to the new album 'Battle Born' which will be available from Sept. 18th.

Listen here: The Killers - Runaways (opens in youtube)



Okay so I dated a girl a few times not too long ago, and I was aware she worked part time in my local supermarket. Now it's one of those where you're a bit awkward if you bump into them as you aren't exactly mates. No one wants this when they go to get their milk, but it's the fact that over the last week, we have made that 'eye contact' at the end of the dairy aisle every time I've been in. Should I say "what's been happening?" or simply start shopping at Asda haha. FFS.

Here's another awkward moment for you. Ergh.....

Ah crap, all this talk about milk has made me realise it's not in the fridge yet, better dash! Til next time.

Much love,



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