Sunday 8 July 2012

Murray Mania and Primark Shame

Hey all. No blog yesterday, but let's face it, Saturdays are for being out and about and putting down your smartphone/laptop - OR - gorging on veg pakora with your best mate while you play xbox and cry at your bank balance. Here we go...



Eyes opened this morning to see 6.41am on the iPhone... Shit. Only 45 minutes til I'm up for work. But then, the sudden realisation that this is in fact Sunday morning and I am off. I believe my reaction was something like this...


It's that one day of the year where everyone who really doesn't give a crap about tennis - suddenly does. COME ON ANDY! That other guys rubbish anyway! Ahem.

I don't think there could've been a better final to get people watching. The whole of Scotland/UK is behind Andy, and he is playing Wimbledon's golden boy, and everyones non-UK favourite, 'The Rodge'. At least we're not relying on 'playground-wimp-alike' Tim Henman to bring back the trophies anymore, should be a great game!


I think I can quite safely say that as a nation, when it comes to clothes shopping... we are all pretty much retarded. Don't get me wrong, there's some decent fashion to be found out there. But how often do you look at something you've bought the next day and think: "Was I f*cking high?!". The sporadic woodcut pattern on this is just, erm, lovely. Primark shame strikes again...


I'll leave you with this. Pointed out to me a few months ago by The Adam and Joe Podcast (from their 6 music radio show - download the podcasts!).

Is this the most over-acted line in history? Or is Pierce's arse genuinely about to fall out of his mouth? From the movie Taffin, this is a classic.

Pierce Brosnan in Taffin (opens in youtube)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend guys - I have a good feeling about today!

Much love,



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