Tuesday 24 July 2012

Stylodelic expands and time for lunch

So I can only apologise for being in hiding recently. This has been to avoid ANY Batman chat, as I'm heading to see it with the bro later in the week... also partially due to a ton of beer on Friday night that took out about 24 hours of my life. Here's the blog.

Making it to lunch

I find taking a 1pm lunch has it's pros and cons.

Pros - Short afternoon
Cons - stuffing my face with chewing gum from 11am to 12.45pm is the only way I can get to this time without munching the entire contents of the fridge. Mint-tastic.

Just try eating a Tuna Mayo baguette with Wrigley's Extra in your mouth..... Boak. Mission accomplished.

Stylodelic expands!

When I created Stylodelic and put my portfolio live online, some swine had already registered "stylodelic.com". Well no more landing on the wrong site, as today I am delighted to have purchased www.stylodelic.com to add to .co.uk and .net! Surely world domination is not far off... What? I am not getting ahead of myself.


I want a cake like this for my birthday! Check the detail on that icing! I'd feel bad eating it, but that wouldn't stop me as I peel the little guys face off first. Great work from Sweet Disposition Cakes (opens Flickr)

 I did however notice that this cake is for a 4 year-old... pretty sure a caterpillar cake from Tesco would have done the trick.

Well as you can tell from the food orientated post... I am hungry as hell, and am now going to get stuff my face.




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