Friday 23 November 2012

It's (Rebecca) Black Friday, Nero, & Southern Comfort ad

Well since my last blog, I've been attacked by internet pirates and contracted man flu... it's time to fight back. There could be no better day on which to post the latest blog. It's.....

(Rebecca) Black Friday!!!

It's time for everyone to shriek in fear. Recoil at the thought of it. Hide from it at all costs... You can make your own mind up as to whether I'm talking Black Friday, or Rebecca Black's "Friday". Either way, I bet it has been a hell of a time since you last heard it, so stick it on and get in that Friday mindset. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Listen here - you know you want to.

(Let's get #rebeccablackfriday trending)

Okay, some real tunes

If you did jump into the land of teenage dreams and make believe rappers there, here's the remedy. Nero. An electronic act who have some banging beats, and helped Muse produce a couple of tracks on The 2nd Law. If they are good enough for Matt Bellamy, they are good enough for me. Have a listen on Spotify.

Jimmy Choo's Smelly Shoo

It is of course the fragrance from Jimmy Choo. Are you running low on your "Curdled Milk" or "Sewer Submarine" perfume? It's time for something new. I was intrigued to see a fragrance from this guy. There's always the risk that you may smell like cheesy feet for a few months, but then again that could just be your thing!

Loaded Tee

I like this. A lot. There's not much more for me to say here. It's the ergh, colour that does it for me I think...

And if the Christmas shopping all gets too much...

Take a leaf out of this guys book. The new Southern Comfort ad is my favourite thing on television right now, even over Ashley from the Pussycat Dolls. This guy just doesn't give a damn, and is the height of cool. There's a big party season just around the corner so chill out, and have a Southern Comfort (other drinks available) tonight.

(When I grow up... I wanna be this guy)

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Jimmy Eat World, Hilton Glasgow and Topman

Here to set trends rather than just discuss them... here's the latest TRS. Sorry for the delay since the last entry, I've been rather busy out and about! Tomorrow night I'll be at the opening party for Chaophraya Thai Restaurant in Edinburgh, with the wonderful @morjaz6364 - so best squeeze this in now :).

Hilton's Bday

Hilton Glasgow celebrated it's 20th Birthday with a great party last Thursday night. I took this pic of the acrobats (may have been waiters) and the ice sculpture, and that's about the last thing I remember. Check out their 3 new bar/restaurants open now - they all seemed pretty slick!

(Ice to see you... I said it)

Topman's Topshelf.

Topman was once somewhere to go when you wanted the coolest tees or something for the weekend. Basically since falling behind to the likes of Primark, they've hit a midlife crisis... Check out this selection from the Argyll Street store.

(Where's Rylan to model these for us?)

Missing The Middle

I've been missing out. It has taken years and finally the discovery of Spotify to bring the joys of Jimmy Eat World to my attention. A great band, and similar to the type of music I'll be making with @StephenALOL in the new Leclerc recording sessions! I'd only ever heard "The Middle", but with so many albums of theirs, I'm have a JEW orgy...... (sounds very odd).

(Celebrity interaction is like heroin - I'd imagine)

I'm a Celebrity

It's started pretty well and I actually recognize at least 8 of the contestants. A welcome break from a lot of the other chaff out there at the moment. Here's a preview...

(Awful at everything bar showering)

See you all next time,


Friday 2 November 2012

Halloween, Muse, Drive and Gwen Stefani

Now that Halloween has passed, it's going to go Christ-mental (not sure that worked...). I promise not to delve into that until advent calendar time - I will then go mental from chocolate overload. Here's the blog...

Jazzing it up for Halloween

Saturday night's the night for... painting your face in a ridiculous manner. I wish I could do this every weekend in the year, but Halloween is the perfect opportunity to go mental and cause a scene without anyone recognising you as the person doing Gangnam Style in the middle of the road at 3am.

(Any excuse to Boosh it up)

Muse at the SECC

Well you know I had my dilemmas prior to the release of the new album, but my fav band did not disappoint with a brilliant set at the SECC. Right down the front, a few feet from Matt Bellamy at times... AMAZING. The gig focused on a lot of their more anthemic and synthy tracks with amazing lighting and dynamic video walls. Definitely a highlight of 2012!

(Muse Montage - @StylodelicDave on instagram)


I love this film. It just works. Cool, arty, and an awesome soundtrack including Kavinsky - Nightcall. The reason I bring it up is that I'm looking to get a framed poster for the house, as the artwork is also extremely cool!

(Must watch)

Gwen Stefani and the Twitterati

Twitter's generally somewhere to talk to yourself and hope someone listens. My first tweet to get a pretty large reaction was thanks to the fountain of youth, and Gwen Stefani.

(Tartan is back in this season)

Thanks for reading. I'll try and get the next post up a bit sooner :).



Wednesday 17 October 2012

New look blog, Rolling Stones at Primark and some cats.

Hey guys and girls. It's the first blog with the new layout - I hope you all like it, and I'll tell you a bit about it later in the blog. Read on... :)

New Band Alert

The name? Kitten. These guys have been around for a little while though I only discovered them recently with their track on FIFA13. 25 mins of Spotify later and I'm a big fan. The synth and drums do it for me on 'Cut It Out' and that's just the first track. Click here to visit their website where you can give them a listen.

(Getting my hair like this...)

TRS Redesign

In all honesty, the previous design on here was a bit shit. I had a lot of thoughts I wanted to share with you, so the look of the blog took a backseat until I got a minute! This new design draws inspiration from my readers, the posts, and the depths of my oddball brain. Let me know what you think @StylodelicDave (on Twitter).

Rolling Stones at Primark

The printed tees/jumpers in Primark are often on the verge between cool and affordable, and cheap and nasty. I did however find a gem today. It's the Stones. It's classic black and white. And you could've bought it anywhere... ;).

(Stylish. Get it on)

Red Bull Stratos.

Couldn't believe when I saw that dude leaping from Space... truly a brilliant moment. Did anyone press the red button where you saw that he wasn't alone in the pod?? Filmed 10 seconds after decent...

(There's no food in here... f*ck it)

Thanks for reading.


Tuesday 9 October 2012

H&M Fashion, Muse, Lana and Mexicans

SO my innate ramblings have got me here... I have a good few regular readers now, and thanks to everyone who's checked out my page either once or every time a new blog goes up. I'm gonna try and focus a little on what Stylodelic is all about. Great design, my take on latest trends/culture and of course... all things style.

Once upon a time in Glasgow

Wellington was feeling the heat this week, switching his regular road cone for a sombrero... one too many tequila's I think!

(Are you a Mexi-can... or a Mexi-can't?)

M-m-m-m-m-muse - The 2nd Law

It's been out for a week now, and I was so afraid of my love for these guys being tainted, it took me 3 days to buy it. I am a fool for ever doubting though... This is everything any music fan could ask for! It reminds me of The Wall by Pink Floyd for some reason... 10/10. Listen in Spotify below.

(I just started using Spotify this week... do I have special needs?!)


Another musical discovery

The Temper Trap's new album went under the radar a little bit! Absolutely brilliant track on there though... It's very Smiths in it's political references!

The Temper Trap - London's Burning (opens in youtube)

(Back on the scene - loved their first album)


So the latest trend seems to be jackets with sleeves of a different material. A take on baseball classics. As I'm all about H&M right now, here's a pretty cool number with a decent price tag of £39.99. I like this. Get it here.

(Maybe H&M will let me meet Lana if I keep going buying from them?!)

Speaking of LDR

Here's my latest illustration of my muse-of-the-moment! Pretty happy with it. Time to try painting her next I think!

(Can only apologise for the awful photo... but she still looks stunning!)

That's all for this week folks! Thanks for reading!



Friday 28 September 2012

Phantom, Threads and The Killers

Well I managed to bag a sneaky day off today, so that's me free to reflect on the past weeks events...

Phantom of the Opera

Last Friday saw me sitting front row, centre of the circle in Edinburgh Playhouse watching the newest performance of Phantom. Having grown up listening to the soundtrack... was a genuinely amazing experience to see it live for the first time. Highly recommended.


This place has really mad an impression on me in the last year. Some awesome threads and with Lana Del Rey (definitely would) and David Beckham (possibly still.would) sporting their range, they must be doing something right.

(Resisted temptation to super-impose myself...)

The Killers

YESSSS! So I've been awaiting this album along with Muse' latest effort for some time, worrying if they will be back at there best... good news, if you think Sam's Town was the Killers doing it properly, this album has a lot of similarities, and some really good tracks! Definitely worth a download and up there for best album of the year.

(The Killers - Battleborn. Rated 8.5/10)

Well I must go and enjoy my long weekend! Much love :)


Sunday 16 September 2012

Crowds in Glasgow and music madness

So it's been a week or so since I last blogged, and it's been a pretty random 7 days with Olympians parading through Glasgow and celebrities outside the office window...



So first off, two of my favourite bands right here. The only problem is, I'm extremely worried about their latest releases... Muse' Olympic track was a bit of a right off apart from a couple of cool guitar bits, and although Madness is a good track, it's not on par with what they've brought out in the past. Again, the Killers single just felt a bit "let's just get this out there". Looking forward to a pleasant surprise!

Youtube links:
The Killers - Runaways

Robbie Williams

Bit of interest outside House of Fraser during the week as Robbie Williams launches some new range on Buchanan Street right outside our office. Pretty random to say the least. My mum is ""Well Jel"...

( My pic is going strong on Twitter!)

Pussy Riot

Remember the band that made a scene in a Russian Cathedral? Well as it's obviously the cool thing to do (Julian Assange/Kone style), a whole host of people are rallying behind something they know little about. I did however like this illustration as cat's are in general pretty hilarious...

Pussy Riot merchandise on Fab UK.

Sloan Sabbith

My favourite show on TV had it's season finale on Tuesday. The Newsroom on Sky Atlantic is genuinely the only thing that's kept me in front of the box for years. Jeff Daniels played a blinder, but it was all about Sloan Sabbith (played by Olivia Munn)... PLEASE GOD give us a second season - and definitely get the box set if you missed it!

Til next time folks...




Monday 3 September 2012

Segway rallying, books and boobs

Been a busy weekend with bowling and a house party to say goodbye to Big Al who's heading to the States for a couple of years, followed by some Segway Rallying on Sunday! I sound like I get out a lot don't I? Excellent...


So when I blog I tend to tag my topics on Twitter, FB etc. Pulp Fiction came up in last weeks blog and this has lead to an outstanding discovery on Twitter! "Topless Pulp Fiction" seems to be the liberal book-worm and peeping Tom's paradise! Not for the faint hearted. Follow them here: @ToplessPulp

(Anne Hathaway and Helen whats-her-face from Soccer AM)

Segway Rallying

My uncle is often lost for what to get me and my bro (@AngryAndroid83) for Christmas, but this time he hit the nail on the head with what at first sounded a bit odd... Segway Rallying. But this was well and truly one of my favourite experiences of the year! Pics to come on Twitter soon! Definitely try it if you ever get the chance!

(Helmets ALWAYS make me look spesh)


Pretty cool tee in H&M at the moment. I'm not the biggest Nirvana fan (excuse my ignorance) but if you are, I really like the design on this number.

(Screw it, I'll download there album so I can buy this tomorrow...)

Well that's all for tonight guys,

Til next time, much love!



Thursday 30 August 2012

The best and worst of music, and a couple of classics combine

Well? Have you came across a pregnant Chinese woman yet?! Of course not... they don't exist (disclaimer: they possibly do). You may have to check out the previous blog to understand that, but here comes the latest one...

Songs that shouldn't exist

I know you need the bad to make the good stand out, and the brilliant shine, but really... I'd be happy if all shit music was binned. I'm talking about lack of effort, literally none. Listen to this song I heard whilst browsing in TK Maxx yesterday (payday shopping addiction)...

Kwes - Bashful (opens in youtube). Literally the worst song I've heard in years - please share my pain.


On the other hand there's 30 days of live music at the Roundhouse in London. Some top acts like Muse, Deadmaus, Lana Del Rey and the usual suspects as well (Jessie J, Noel Gallagher etc... meh). Visit here and select as many gigs as you'd like to go to (all of them if you're mental) and you can win tickets with a simple click!

Pulp Fiction meets Street Fighter II

And I jizzed, in, my pants... The arcade game all movie and gamer geeks would love to play. Unfortunately, it's not real. I was a bit premature there (need to get that sorted). It's actually a tee design by Filippo Morini (buy it here) however, it's begging on someone developing it! The perfect app store game?! I'd say so...

(Who would you go? Shotgun Butch...)

See you all next time, get involved on Twitter: #therealstylodelic

Much love,

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Drop it hard... not the babies!

I feel my blogs gain more prestige and mystery by leaving them to a more weekly thing.... and also I'm a lazy bastard. Here goes nothing...


So apparently this is what all the cool cats are listening to. I did my music snob part (yes I am ashamed) and shunned this guy for over a year, but now I've finally given in. And yes, I've been missing out... god dammit.

(Replacing Pendulum on my playlist)

Where do Chinese babies come from?!

No this is in no means a racist or controversial story, purely one that will make your mind boggle! Following @Laughbook on Twitter is often hit or miss. They will throw in some amazing one liners, yet cancel these out with horrible teen angst and relationship-related phrases begging on retweets from emotional girls. The tweet below did however get me thinking!


If you fancy heading somewhere a bit out of town for dinner one night, try The Park Bistro on the canal bank right next to Linlithgow. We went there to celebrate my mum's birthday, and the service, food and atmosphere were all top notch. It's quite pricey, but you truly get what you pay for.... a sirloin steak to follow a delightful Chicken Liver Pate in my case. To die for.

There's more I could hit you with right now, but I'll save it for next time. The Hobbit has been teasing us for 3 years now so you can wait a couple of days ;).


Monday 20 August 2012

Awkward moment

So this weekend saw the continuation of my 12 New Things a Year challenge... throwing up some awkward turtles you'll see below. Here's the blog...


Some merry men were holding a taster session for archery where I go swimming this weekend, so I viewed this as a perfect chance to try something new and ad to my list which already includes everything from VIP escapades to sewing...

The main problem was the awkwardness of realising I was the only adult in a sea of 4 to 8 year old kids when the doors slammed closed behind me. Was good fun when I got up there, but still... facepalm.

Bridge Diving

No, not another exciting pass time, but the news that Ridley Scott's bro Tony has apparently committed suicide by jumping from a bridge in L.A. He directed Top Gun and perhaps felt he'd sore like a fighter jet through the sky, but in all honesty, he's just a scumbag who's left his loved ones to wonder what they could have done to prevent this for the rest of their lives... pathetic mate. (Shit I'm blogging about morals)

The Perfect Pour

I for one have no idea how to serve coffee if someone is round at mines. I have it in my cupboard but don't drink the stuff and wouldn't know where to start. Here's the solution. A cool graphic that shows how to make all types of coffee. Seems something a bit odd about calling one 'The Long Black'.

See you all next time! Caffeined out your eyeballs.


Tuesday 14 August 2012

Blood, diamonds and the Daniels

I'd say I've successfully returned to the world of blogging after recovering from Olympics fever yesterday. Here's some stuff that's caught my eye today!

Glasgow in Black and White

I've been taking a lot of shots of Glasgow before and after work these days. Designing for a website, you often need to get your creativity surging outside the office rather than inside. The streets of Glasgow look pretty cool with a b&w instagram filter...

(some crazy reflections on the buildings - follow me @stylodelicdave)

Lana Del Rey

Saw a cool shot of Lana Del Rey on a tee yesterday. I like her face so Google Image'd her, and this led to a couple of hours of sketching last night. It's a diamond in her mouth - not a pog.

The Newsroom

TV really is shit these days. You can choose from either Eastenders, some drunken twats with too much money or whatever's on Channel 5.

I have however found a gem of a show called The Newsroom with Jeff Daniels in the lead role, as anchor. It's on Sky Atlantic and Sky Player. Here's not driving a giant dog, but still give it a watch. It's well reem.......

That's all for today guys and girls,

Til next time!



Monday 13 August 2012

Post Olympics Blues...

A smell of stale bacon razzlers (you know the occasional pack that have been opened already and you don't notice) was in the air as I walked through the death trap that is the St. Enoch centre... it pretty much summed up how I feel now that London 2012 is done!

However, I've cut the noose down from the ceiling and here's my first attempt at a blog upon my return to the real world.

It's Over

So the Olympics has passed us by leaving amazing memories, but also making me realise that there's so much more I could be doing with my life! The athletes really are the true icons for our generation in every possible way, but it'll now go back to John Terry cursing and spitting and Geordie Shore scrotebags getting their plastic tits out... #Facepalm.

Android Photos

Nope, not the latest footage from Mars featuring little green aliens, but some cool apps in the Google Play store... Some great free apps out there to be had that'll turn your Instagram efforts into something a little more eye-catching. Check out PicFrame for easy collages. Also, Photo Editor let's you draw on top of your photos/images, whilst for you vain lot out there, Beauty Camera lets you paper over all those imperfections in cheesy grin. Yes, I've tried it......

(this is what you expected to see right?)

Just a short one today as I'm still struggling to put sentences together without getting the urge to type "REDRUM REDRUM"... goodbye @TeamGB, we will miss you all! (Apart from you Phillips Odowu).

Much love,



Thursday 2 August 2012

Google's doodles, comedy and Topman

What a few days it's been in the Olympics! The fear of too much expectation has been washed away in the water and on land thanks to our amazing @TeamGB athletes! Whilst we get all swept up in the moment, Google's Olympic efforts are floundering a little...

Google Olympics

So Google have decided to make two weeks of Olympic based doodles... pretty neat idea right? But would someone explain to me why today's table tennis effort is the shape of a sanitary towel? #AnyOtherShape

Belly buttons out

The girls do it all the time. In summer you can expect to see a lot of flesh, though it looks like Topman have again gone a bit far with their tees... I like my low V or U-necks, but this is bordering on a mankini. Navels out lads.


I did manage to escape the gravitational pull of the V, and as I clung to the rails for dear life, I pulled this grasped hold of this number. Topman's sizes are notoriously fucked up, but this shirt fits nicely, expect to see me in it soon.


Mark Watson

He's one of my favourite comedians and I went to see him at Funny in Falkirk on Tuesday. Absolutely brilliant show... I got a bit of interaction too! He's doing the same gig at the fringe - highly recommended.

Well as its a nice evening I'll keep it short. Some beers after work tomorrow, so who knows when you'll next hear from me...

Much love,



Saturday 28 July 2012

Morrisey's London 2012 and 4x4's

What an amazing opening ceremony that was last night. I think all blogs throughout internet land must be referencing it in one way or another! It generally exceeded all expectations for me, and had more to it than one large dance routine that Beijing put on 4 years ago...

Here's the blog - expect Olympics dashed throughout! (predictable I know)

Great job Morrisey!

The man played a blinder last night. It went without a hi... What? It wasn't Morrisey? Who the hell is Danny Boyle?!

(See, I told you!)

Sorry Danny... Great Britain is proud of what happened in London last night - nice one!

The 4x4 Girls

My favourite part of visiting Tesco on a Saturday night is the distinct lack of decent parking spaces... and yes, it's due to mothers with 4x4's angled across the white lines. Is there a spark up there somewhere that says: "Oh my gosh, we are starting a family and our BMW isn't sufficient for a child seat - let's spend the pocket money on a 4x4". There's no offroad involved in picking up bread and milk 3 days a week - you look like a turd.


Okay I really hope I'm wrong here... but with things going so well at the ceremony, there could be a horrible anti-climax just around the corner. The fact that Mark Cavendish (who we all expected to win Gold) came somewhere in amongst the crowd at the finishing line is quite disturbing. I just hope after getting the attention of the entire country we don't see a massive let down. Come on GB! And let's face it, no other country (is there really one called Turkleton?) held their flag aloft like the mighty Hoy! Cool. Dude.

Enjoy the games or a drunken dancefloor session!



Friday 27 July 2012

Dirty Harry, the Games and reaching distance

I am now out back on the blog (yes I said blog) because... I'VE SEEN BATMAN!!

Go ahead... Make my day

It's the Euromillions tonight along with the millionaire raffle. And my first lucky dip has thrown up some of my favourite numbers! Here's today's choice of tee to give me the best possible chance...

(Feeling lucky? - stylodelicdave on instagram)

The Dark Knight Rises

Amazing film... So glad I can come out from under my rock now and get my Batman geek on! You get everything you want, and more from start to the end. Bane is a perfect villain to follow the Joker. Did I not say Anne Hathaway would be good?? She nailed it (in an awesome costume too... I'm in love).

Oh and @morjaz6364 brought this guy to my attention. His name is Josh Bruce, and he does some sweet illustrations of the characters from the film,  amongst other cool stuff - check out his site: Redbubble 

(Redbubble Bane tee)

Reaching Distance

For me, and probably every other 20-something male on the planet, your happiness at home is pretty much hanging by a thin thread known simply as... Reaching Distance. Even the other end of the couch is too far for the remote to find itself... and as for my phone charger... I'll just let it drain out.

"The Games"

Okay so Glasgow is an 'Olympic City', but I can't help but  notice literally no excitement at all. I think there's probably more concern about the price of Buckfast than the cost of tickets for the games - though it did put me off going to see the Spain game yesterday.

Have a great Friday night all - much love,


#therealstylodelic - please tweet!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Stylodelic expands and time for lunch

So I can only apologise for being in hiding recently. This has been to avoid ANY Batman chat, as I'm heading to see it with the bro later in the week... also partially due to a ton of beer on Friday night that took out about 24 hours of my life. Here's the blog.

Making it to lunch

I find taking a 1pm lunch has it's pros and cons.

Pros - Short afternoon
Cons - stuffing my face with chewing gum from 11am to 12.45pm is the only way I can get to this time without munching the entire contents of the fridge. Mint-tastic.

Just try eating a Tuna Mayo baguette with Wrigley's Extra in your mouth..... Boak. Mission accomplished.

Stylodelic expands!

When I created Stylodelic and put my portfolio live online, some swine had already registered "". Well no more landing on the wrong site, as today I am delighted to have purchased to add to and .net! Surely world domination is not far off... What? I am not getting ahead of myself.


I want a cake like this for my birthday! Check the detail on that icing! I'd feel bad eating it, but that wouldn't stop me as I peel the little guys face off first. Great work from Sweet Disposition Cakes (opens Flickr)

 I did however notice that this cake is for a 4 year-old... pretty sure a caterpillar cake from Tesco would have done the trick.

Well as you can tell from the food orientated post... I am hungry as hell, and am now going to get stuff my face.




Wednesday 18 July 2012

Castles, Special needs and Tron

That's funny... I didn't think I'd purchased a castle to live in, but there seems to be a permanent moat outside my front door and back door when I step outside. Is anyone else really hacked off with this at the moment? Argh... I'll brave it and here goes tonight's blog.

Ergh, it's a.......

Not a torn up Mr Motivator shellsuit... but the Paralympics 2012 logo. Seriously now, we are all behind the Paralaympics, yet with this design it seems like they are trying to turn the rest of us 'special' to gain more a bigger following. If you look at it long enough, you lose the majority of your brain cells... come on now! Who hired these people?


I saw @ivorysmoke mentioning talcum powder earlier on Twitter, and feeling like a 5 year old when using it. I'm trying to remember when I grew out of it... must've been around that age. If only my parents had been irresponsible and let me watch Scar Face at that age, I would have been covering everything in the stuff! That's possibly why they didn't... #TinyTonyMontana


So if you've seen Tron Legacy, this will make perfect sense... DOWN-LOAD-THE-SOUND-TRACK. It's possibly the best soundtrack to a film for the past decade. If the story of Tron hasn't grasped you in to watch it on Sky Movies (it's on all the time), then Daft Punk's amazing album should do the trick. It really chilled me out after a long day today!

So that's all tonight guys, more to come tomorrow. If you'd like to see my attempt at the London 2012 logo, it's on instagram (stylodelicdave) or follow me on Twitter (username below).

Much love,

