Friday 23 November 2012

It's (Rebecca) Black Friday, Nero, & Southern Comfort ad

Well since my last blog, I've been attacked by internet pirates and contracted man flu... it's time to fight back. There could be no better day on which to post the latest blog. It's.....

(Rebecca) Black Friday!!!

It's time for everyone to shriek in fear. Recoil at the thought of it. Hide from it at all costs... You can make your own mind up as to whether I'm talking Black Friday, or Rebecca Black's "Friday". Either way, I bet it has been a hell of a time since you last heard it, so stick it on and get in that Friday mindset. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Listen here - you know you want to.

(Let's get #rebeccablackfriday trending)

Okay, some real tunes

If you did jump into the land of teenage dreams and make believe rappers there, here's the remedy. Nero. An electronic act who have some banging beats, and helped Muse produce a couple of tracks on The 2nd Law. If they are good enough for Matt Bellamy, they are good enough for me. Have a listen on Spotify.

Jimmy Choo's Smelly Shoo

It is of course the fragrance from Jimmy Choo. Are you running low on your "Curdled Milk" or "Sewer Submarine" perfume? It's time for something new. I was intrigued to see a fragrance from this guy. There's always the risk that you may smell like cheesy feet for a few months, but then again that could just be your thing!

Loaded Tee

I like this. A lot. There's not much more for me to say here. It's the ergh, colour that does it for me I think...

And if the Christmas shopping all gets too much...

Take a leaf out of this guys book. The new Southern Comfort ad is my favourite thing on television right now, even over Ashley from the Pussycat Dolls. This guy just doesn't give a damn, and is the height of cool. There's a big party season just around the corner so chill out, and have a Southern Comfort (other drinks available) tonight.

(When I grow up... I wanna be this guy)

Have a great weekend!


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