Monday 20 August 2012

Awkward moment

So this weekend saw the continuation of my 12 New Things a Year challenge... throwing up some awkward turtles you'll see below. Here's the blog...


Some merry men were holding a taster session for archery where I go swimming this weekend, so I viewed this as a perfect chance to try something new and ad to my list which already includes everything from VIP escapades to sewing...

The main problem was the awkwardness of realising I was the only adult in a sea of 4 to 8 year old kids when the doors slammed closed behind me. Was good fun when I got up there, but still... facepalm.

Bridge Diving

No, not another exciting pass time, but the news that Ridley Scott's bro Tony has apparently committed suicide by jumping from a bridge in L.A. He directed Top Gun and perhaps felt he'd sore like a fighter jet through the sky, but in all honesty, he's just a scumbag who's left his loved ones to wonder what they could have done to prevent this for the rest of their lives... pathetic mate. (Shit I'm blogging about morals)

The Perfect Pour

I for one have no idea how to serve coffee if someone is round at mines. I have it in my cupboard but don't drink the stuff and wouldn't know where to start. Here's the solution. A cool graphic that shows how to make all types of coffee. Seems something a bit odd about calling one 'The Long Black'.

See you all next time! Caffeined out your eyeballs.


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