Monday 13 August 2012

Post Olympics Blues...

A smell of stale bacon razzlers (you know the occasional pack that have been opened already and you don't notice) was in the air as I walked through the death trap that is the St. Enoch centre... it pretty much summed up how I feel now that London 2012 is done!

However, I've cut the noose down from the ceiling and here's my first attempt at a blog upon my return to the real world.

It's Over

So the Olympics has passed us by leaving amazing memories, but also making me realise that there's so much more I could be doing with my life! The athletes really are the true icons for our generation in every possible way, but it'll now go back to John Terry cursing and spitting and Geordie Shore scrotebags getting their plastic tits out... #Facepalm.

Android Photos

Nope, not the latest footage from Mars featuring little green aliens, but some cool apps in the Google Play store... Some great free apps out there to be had that'll turn your Instagram efforts into something a little more eye-catching. Check out PicFrame for easy collages. Also, Photo Editor let's you draw on top of your photos/images, whilst for you vain lot out there, Beauty Camera lets you paper over all those imperfections in cheesy grin. Yes, I've tried it......

(this is what you expected to see right?)

Just a short one today as I'm still struggling to put sentences together without getting the urge to type "REDRUM REDRUM"... goodbye @TeamGB, we will miss you all! (Apart from you Phillips Odowu).

Much love,



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