Tuesday 28 August 2012

Drop it hard... not the babies!

I feel my blogs gain more prestige and mystery by leaving them to a more weekly thing.... and also I'm a lazy bastard. Here goes nothing...


So apparently this is what all the cool cats are listening to. I did my music snob part (yes I am ashamed) and shunned this guy for over a year, but now I've finally given in. And yes, I've been missing out... god dammit.

(Replacing Pendulum on my playlist)

Where do Chinese babies come from?!

No this is in no means a racist or controversial story, purely one that will make your mind boggle! Following @Laughbook on Twitter is often hit or miss. They will throw in some amazing one liners, yet cancel these out with horrible teen angst and relationship-related phrases begging on retweets from emotional girls. The tweet below did however get me thinking!


If you fancy heading somewhere a bit out of town for dinner one night, try The Park Bistro on the canal bank right next to Linlithgow. We went there to celebrate my mum's birthday, and the service, food and atmosphere were all top notch. It's quite pricey, but you truly get what you pay for.... a sirloin steak to follow a delightful Chicken Liver Pate in my case. To die for.

There's more I could hit you with right now, but I'll save it for next time. The Hobbit has been teasing us for 3 years now so you can wait a couple of days ;).


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