Wednesday 17 October 2012

New look blog, Rolling Stones at Primark and some cats.

Hey guys and girls. It's the first blog with the new layout - I hope you all like it, and I'll tell you a bit about it later in the blog. Read on... :)

New Band Alert

The name? Kitten. These guys have been around for a little while though I only discovered them recently with their track on FIFA13. 25 mins of Spotify later and I'm a big fan. The synth and drums do it for me on 'Cut It Out' and that's just the first track. Click here to visit their website where you can give them a listen.

(Getting my hair like this...)

TRS Redesign

In all honesty, the previous design on here was a bit shit. I had a lot of thoughts I wanted to share with you, so the look of the blog took a backseat until I got a minute! This new design draws inspiration from my readers, the posts, and the depths of my oddball brain. Let me know what you think @StylodelicDave (on Twitter).

Rolling Stones at Primark

The printed tees/jumpers in Primark are often on the verge between cool and affordable, and cheap and nasty. I did however find a gem today. It's the Stones. It's classic black and white. And you could've bought it anywhere... ;).

(Stylish. Get it on)

Red Bull Stratos.

Couldn't believe when I saw that dude leaping from Space... truly a brilliant moment. Did anyone press the red button where you saw that he wasn't alone in the pod?? Filmed 10 seconds after decent...

(There's no food in here... f*ck it)

Thanks for reading.


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