Saturday 28 July 2012

Morrisey's London 2012 and 4x4's

What an amazing opening ceremony that was last night. I think all blogs throughout internet land must be referencing it in one way or another! It generally exceeded all expectations for me, and had more to it than one large dance routine that Beijing put on 4 years ago...

Here's the blog - expect Olympics dashed throughout! (predictable I know)

Great job Morrisey!

The man played a blinder last night. It went without a hi... What? It wasn't Morrisey? Who the hell is Danny Boyle?!

(See, I told you!)

Sorry Danny... Great Britain is proud of what happened in London last night - nice one!

The 4x4 Girls

My favourite part of visiting Tesco on a Saturday night is the distinct lack of decent parking spaces... and yes, it's due to mothers with 4x4's angled across the white lines. Is there a spark up there somewhere that says: "Oh my gosh, we are starting a family and our BMW isn't sufficient for a child seat - let's spend the pocket money on a 4x4". There's no offroad involved in picking up bread and milk 3 days a week - you look like a turd.


Okay I really hope I'm wrong here... but with things going so well at the ceremony, there could be a horrible anti-climax just around the corner. The fact that Mark Cavendish (who we all expected to win Gold) came somewhere in amongst the crowd at the finishing line is quite disturbing. I just hope after getting the attention of the entire country we don't see a massive let down. Come on GB! And let's face it, no other country (is there really one called Turkleton?) held their flag aloft like the mighty Hoy! Cool. Dude.

Enjoy the games or a drunken dancefloor session!



Friday 27 July 2012

Dirty Harry, the Games and reaching distance

I am now out back on the blog (yes I said blog) because... I'VE SEEN BATMAN!!

Go ahead... Make my day

It's the Euromillions tonight along with the millionaire raffle. And my first lucky dip has thrown up some of my favourite numbers! Here's today's choice of tee to give me the best possible chance...

(Feeling lucky? - stylodelicdave on instagram)

The Dark Knight Rises

Amazing film... So glad I can come out from under my rock now and get my Batman geek on! You get everything you want, and more from start to the end. Bane is a perfect villain to follow the Joker. Did I not say Anne Hathaway would be good?? She nailed it (in an awesome costume too... I'm in love).

Oh and @morjaz6364 brought this guy to my attention. His name is Josh Bruce, and he does some sweet illustrations of the characters from the film,  amongst other cool stuff - check out his site: Redbubble 

(Redbubble Bane tee)

Reaching Distance

For me, and probably every other 20-something male on the planet, your happiness at home is pretty much hanging by a thin thread known simply as... Reaching Distance. Even the other end of the couch is too far for the remote to find itself... and as for my phone charger... I'll just let it drain out.

"The Games"

Okay so Glasgow is an 'Olympic City', but I can't help but  notice literally no excitement at all. I think there's probably more concern about the price of Buckfast than the cost of tickets for the games - though it did put me off going to see the Spain game yesterday.

Have a great Friday night all - much love,


#therealstylodelic - please tweet!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Stylodelic expands and time for lunch

So I can only apologise for being in hiding recently. This has been to avoid ANY Batman chat, as I'm heading to see it with the bro later in the week... also partially due to a ton of beer on Friday night that took out about 24 hours of my life. Here's the blog.

Making it to lunch

I find taking a 1pm lunch has it's pros and cons.

Pros - Short afternoon
Cons - stuffing my face with chewing gum from 11am to 12.45pm is the only way I can get to this time without munching the entire contents of the fridge. Mint-tastic.

Just try eating a Tuna Mayo baguette with Wrigley's Extra in your mouth..... Boak. Mission accomplished.

Stylodelic expands!

When I created Stylodelic and put my portfolio live online, some swine had already registered "". Well no more landing on the wrong site, as today I am delighted to have purchased to add to and .net! Surely world domination is not far off... What? I am not getting ahead of myself.


I want a cake like this for my birthday! Check the detail on that icing! I'd feel bad eating it, but that wouldn't stop me as I peel the little guys face off first. Great work from Sweet Disposition Cakes (opens Flickr)

 I did however notice that this cake is for a 4 year-old... pretty sure a caterpillar cake from Tesco would have done the trick.

Well as you can tell from the food orientated post... I am hungry as hell, and am now going to get stuff my face.




Wednesday 18 July 2012

Castles, Special needs and Tron

That's funny... I didn't think I'd purchased a castle to live in, but there seems to be a permanent moat outside my front door and back door when I step outside. Is anyone else really hacked off with this at the moment? Argh... I'll brave it and here goes tonight's blog.

Ergh, it's a.......

Not a torn up Mr Motivator shellsuit... but the Paralympics 2012 logo. Seriously now, we are all behind the Paralaympics, yet with this design it seems like they are trying to turn the rest of us 'special' to gain more a bigger following. If you look at it long enough, you lose the majority of your brain cells... come on now! Who hired these people?


I saw @ivorysmoke mentioning talcum powder earlier on Twitter, and feeling like a 5 year old when using it. I'm trying to remember when I grew out of it... must've been around that age. If only my parents had been irresponsible and let me watch Scar Face at that age, I would have been covering everything in the stuff! That's possibly why they didn't... #TinyTonyMontana


So if you've seen Tron Legacy, this will make perfect sense... DOWN-LOAD-THE-SOUND-TRACK. It's possibly the best soundtrack to a film for the past decade. If the story of Tron hasn't grasped you in to watch it on Sky Movies (it's on all the time), then Daft Punk's amazing album should do the trick. It really chilled me out after a long day today!

So that's all tonight guys, more to come tomorrow. If you'd like to see my attempt at the London 2012 logo, it's on instagram (stylodelicdave) or follow me on Twitter (username below).

Much love,



Tuesday 17 July 2012

Mondays over - time to start the week

Hey all. It's Tuesday already. Or #teasday (check out Teasday blog) as some may call it - mugs out! I write this while stuffing my face with a McD's, the obvious choice after leaving my salad in the fridge this morning.

More Posing

If you checked out the blog yesterday you'll have seen the Pose app being featured - well the guys @Pose have informed me that it's not just for the ladies, any of you fashion conscious chaps can post and tag your threads on there too! Let me know if you do and I'll feature you in the blog!

(This was Pete Burns first attempt at Pose. Should see his latest ones.... cringe.)

Pizza the Action

I've been caught on camera being a mentalist. Fortunately it's not anything that can see me put behind bars, but I may end up in a padded cell for being overly excited in the following clip:

Mexican wave for Domino's. (opens in youtube)

The whole Mexican wave thing is for the launch of a new Mexican Domino's pizza. It tasted great - try it out!

Mark Watson

This guy is hilarious. He's playing at Funny in Falkirk this month, the new (last couple of years) comedy festival for Central Scotland. I've just got tickets for Mark Watson. The guy is hilarious! You can get tickets for just £10 here! ( 

Don't say I'm not good to you!

Much love,



Monday 16 July 2012

Strike a Pose, more Instagram and Catwoman

It's a short one tonight as I must dash off to 5-a-sides! And yes, as this is a very style orientated blog, I still wear my hair band on the pitch....... Swiftly moving on.

What a night. Perfect for some Onestage A.M. (instagram) action. Took a few snaps on the walk home. It's days like this that living on the canal front is amazing. I love it.

Strike a Pose

It's not one for us lads I'm afraid, but none the less I thought it was a great idea and the girls could well go mad for it. It's called Pose. Basically upload a picture of yourself in your threads for a night on the town, and it allows you to tag all of your outfit, from topshop top, to Schuh shoes. Looks really cool - might do an Eddie Izzard and give it a try...

Download it now:


Now I'd always have been looking forward to the 3rd of these Batman films, but the return of Catwoman (lets forget Halle Berry ever happened) is going to be amazing. Anne Hathaway looks stunning here! Fingers crossed her part is written in properly... if the Joker and Two Face are anything to go by, she'll be awesome. Tom Hardy is a favourite of mines also - so hurry up and arrive at the IMAX Batman!

I'm off to score some legendary goals (pant at the side of the pitch), have a great night guys,



Sunday 15 July 2012

Burgers, smartphones and Indiana Jones

Hey guys, a couple of blogs light this week and it's down to playing on my new gadget - a Samsung Galaxy S3. I know the Apple lovers will shun me for my switch of allegiance, but at the end of the day, I now have the superior phone! Mwuhahahahaaa. Ahem, let's get started...


This is a really cool app that allows you to view your Twitter feed, Facebook timeline (yes all the pictures of people you hardly know's babies etc) and all the latest Style, Design, Sport news and a lot more - in one place. Just works really well and looks great too.

Check it out here (opens in new window)

Lunch in Glasgow

Who cares if you're trying to eat healthy, you give it all up for a fat b*stard lunch on a Friday. Well I do anyway - and this past week saw Strata on Queen Street act as the pleasuredome. It's the first time I've been in, and I'd give it a thumbs up. Sleek interior, decent service and good food. Try the burgers...

(Shaky - it was my first attempt with the new cam!)


So I haven't seen any of the fall out from the Haye v Chisora match last night (mostly due to a hangover coma) but it looked pretty good through my beer goggles at the time! I think my favourite part was the throwing of punches... there's not enough of it in boxing these days, mostly men in little shorts hugging a lot.

Harrison Ford

After watching The Temple of Doom earlier today, I'll keep this one short and sweet. Indiana Jones. Han Solo. The Fugitive. Bladerunner... The man's a legend.

Looking forward to what should be an interesting week... have a good one!



Thursday 12 July 2012

Recycled fashion and Sun hitting the streets

What a morning to wake up to. Finally the sun has got his hat on, and he's throwing a party. It has genuinely put me in a good mood today - so here's the blog.


The shock of sun piercing my eyes before work was definitely a good start to the day. Got some great shots on Instagram, especially this one of the @Debenhams building. Just really like the way the sun is lighting it up, Argyle Street is almost always in the shade/under cloud - so was cool seeing this fine bit of architecture something other than dull grey.


Billy Connolly - Lol. Anchorman - Lol. Cats doing stupid things - again, pretty god damn funny. But the first and only one of these to be celebrated with a festival is...... the furry felines. Organisers have described the event as "a chance for people to come and LOL together". Superb.

Link - BBC LOLcats article


I'm an Arsenal fan. That's it been said. So the new away kit was revealed today, and it's made from your recycled drinks bottles! Now that is pretty damn cool...

Alex Song (left of line-up) is proper going for it with his lovely pose in the shot above, and his comments are my favourite part (from the Telegraph) - very much the modern footballer:

"I think the new design is really nice - I’m a guy who likes fashion and when I saw these colours, I was very happy. This kit is different to last season’s and I’m really excited to wear it. I might do something with my hair to match."


There's a new must-see show starting on Watch HD tonight. Sky Channel 109. I had no idea either... 

Tonight's first episode of "Dynamo - Magician Impossible" sees the awesome Illusionist/Magician hit the streets of Rio. This guy is awesome. Move over David Blaine, anyone can swallow a tub of anti-freeze and live in the freezer for a month. Don't pretend you've not tried...

Adios amigos.



Wednesday 11 July 2012


Hey all. It's half way through the week and yeah, I'm still pissed at this rain. It ain't for stopping, so I'll try take yours and my mind off it for a few minutes.


Okay so as you know I'm properly into Instagram (Onestage A.M.) at the moment. The idea was to capture the summer with loads of pics, as I've never really taken enough in the past. You'd have maybe expected a few blackbirds singing, and the evening sun glittering over some slate rooftops. Well, instead it's been wet leaves and fellas like this bad boy...



The Killers are back with their new single 'Runaways' which aired last night on Zane Low's show. The problem with that is you have to listen to the rest of the garbage before getting to the good stuff.

It's called 'Runaways', which has a special place in the heart of me and my mate Alan (@alaniomartinetz) after we created a fake band of the same name to get some chat going with the girls in Ibiza a few years ago. Yes I'm cringing as we speak and I'm, sure Al is also.

ANYWAY, the track seems to take the mellow instrumentals from Day and Age and compliments these with a drum beat more familiar to the Sam's Town album. A really good effort, and I'm looking forward to the new album 'Battle Born' which will be available from Sept. 18th.

Listen here: The Killers - Runaways (opens in youtube)



Okay so I dated a girl a few times not too long ago, and I was aware she worked part time in my local supermarket. Now it's one of those where you're a bit awkward if you bump into them as you aren't exactly mates. No one wants this when they go to get their milk, but it's the fact that over the last week, we have made that 'eye contact' at the end of the dairy aisle every time I've been in. Should I say "what's been happening?" or simply start shopping at Asda haha. FFS.

Here's another awkward moment for you. Ergh.....

Ah crap, all this talk about milk has made me realise it's not in the fridge yet, better dash! Til next time.

Much love,



Tuesday 10 July 2012

Rain on Teasday

Hey guys and girls, thanks for checking out my blog again. It's now been up and running for a week, and to celebrate I'll be releasing a charity single featuring Jesse J, JLS and Toby Anstis.


A day dedicated to tea? Perhaps just a twitter trend looking to hit new heights? Well I've decided to pitch in and give it my support anyway. Upload a pic of your tea mug to Twitter with hashtag #teasday - and get involved. I felt obliged when I saw @Junkwin and @Scooshmeister proper going for it with full enthusiasm haha. Good effort guys. Now get #therealstylodelic trending ;).

(I designed this one myself :D Peter Chang inspired)


The link has now been removed so it fits my womanly wrists, some Italian bling brought back from the Mafia infested nation by the rents. It's pretty cool - and definitely unique. I'll stick this on with a black shirt at the weekend - sorted.


Okay it's getting to the point now where I'm thinking of jacking this country in. The thought of waking up to grey skies for the rest of my life really isn't appealing. It makes for good shots though! (stylodelicdave on instagram)


Okay, so maybe I haven't had time to gather the troops and lay out my plans for the latest chart topper - but I have been working on music for years under 'Leclerc', and here's probably my favourite tune of them all. Put this together with my mate Stephen Walker.

Hope you like, see y'all tomorrow... Leclerc - Synesthesia (opens in youtube)



Monday 9 July 2012

Apple on a Monday

What's up guys. Hope today's been a good one and there's not too many Monday Blue's floating about.


One guy who will be glad the weekend is over is Andy Murray. He's been the focus of all of our attention at Wimbledon as he always is, but finally for the right reasons as the "Great British Public" (puke) accept him as one of us. Even the Centre Court roof couldn't save the grass from a good soaking at the end...

Good article in the Guardian by Charlie Brooker here: Andy Murray: not miserable, just normal


Today was my first trip to see... The Geniuses. I've had my iPhone 4 for two years now, and having struggled with a dodgy home button for months (we all have right?!) I finally made the pilgrimage to the forsaken land i.e. The Apple Store. I thoroughly expected some Stephen Hawking type character to roll out and produce a shiny new iPhone from a teleportation device as the tales of these incredible beings would suggest. But instead, my phone couldn't be fixed, the home button's still shit, and I now have a retard button to help me use my phone. Thanks Great Ones!


Okay, it's not long since FB bought over Instagram (or Onestage A.M. as my predictive text likes to call it - great name!) and the craze is taking off again. Do you use it? I find it much more appealing than posting pictures on Facebook. I can post a lot more art/fashion pics and such without being judged by the deranged FB trolls. Follow me at stylodelicdave


Here's a song to keep your chin up, that's Monday over and the week will only get better! :D

Noah and the Whale - Tonight's The Kind Of Night (opens in youtube)

(Awesome album sleeve)

Much love,



Sunday 8 July 2012

Murray Mania and Primark Shame

Hey all. No blog yesterday, but let's face it, Saturdays are for being out and about and putting down your smartphone/laptop - OR - gorging on veg pakora with your best mate while you play xbox and cry at your bank balance. Here we go...



Eyes opened this morning to see 6.41am on the iPhone... Shit. Only 45 minutes til I'm up for work. But then, the sudden realisation that this is in fact Sunday morning and I am off. I believe my reaction was something like this...


It's that one day of the year where everyone who really doesn't give a crap about tennis - suddenly does. COME ON ANDY! That other guys rubbish anyway! Ahem.

I don't think there could've been a better final to get people watching. The whole of Scotland/UK is behind Andy, and he is playing Wimbledon's golden boy, and everyones non-UK favourite, 'The Rodge'. At least we're not relying on 'playground-wimp-alike' Tim Henman to bring back the trophies anymore, should be a great game!


I think I can quite safely say that as a nation, when it comes to clothes shopping... we are all pretty much retarded. Don't get me wrong, there's some decent fashion to be found out there. But how often do you look at something you've bought the next day and think: "Was I f*cking high?!". The sporadic woodcut pattern on this is just, erm, lovely. Primark shame strikes again...


I'll leave you with this. Pointed out to me a few months ago by The Adam and Joe Podcast (from their 6 music radio show - download the podcasts!).

Is this the most over-acted line in history? Or is Pierce's arse genuinely about to fall out of his mouth? From the movie Taffin, this is a classic.

Pierce Brosnan in Taffin (opens in youtube)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend guys - I have a good feeling about today!

Much love,



Friday 6 July 2012

Alfie Moon and Happy Mondays

Sublime! My mum and dad have just returned from Italy, bringing me gifts in the form of a cool ass bracelet (pictures to come when it's had a link taken out) and the token Toblerone that my bro and I request every year. Got to love the nougaty goodness. Okay, here goes nothing...


Have you seen this film?! If not, you're missing out. It's one of my favourites and the mention here comes from a song from its awesome soundtrack getting played on the radio today. I'll sum it up like this:

Andy Samberg. Isla Fisher. Lovejoy. Soundtrack including Europe and Queens of the Stone Age. Cool beans.

@cframe, the soundtrack is coming your way on Monday - be prepared!


I went to visit the rents upon their return from Italy earlier (to retrieve my Toblerone), and with Eastenders on in the background I couldn't help notice that Alfie Moon is a shell of his former self. He should totally ditch that Cat bird and get back on Don't Forget The Lyrics. Much more fun to be had there mate! Head up, she's a tart anyway.


Here's something that might get rid of your "post T in the Park depression".

Been to Vespbar in the centre of Glasgow yet? Well it's an Italian-style bar that opened last year, and it seems a pretty cool place. The best part is, they do free taster evenings on Monday nights, and this week it's Pimm's (which I've never had before - here goes nothing). So that's free booze, and they throw in pizza too. Don't say I'm not good to you.

Check this link out for a ticket and let me know if I'll be seeing you there:

Goodnight and much love



Thursday 5 July 2012

Mmmbops and tramp-stamps...

Well it's a lot better outside today! I went crazy (literally insane in the membrane) and left for work without a jacket this morning... surely the sign of what would become a crazy day. Scared Rabbit Girl has returned to haunt us with her Buchanan Street Busk again, she should head down to St Enoch Sq Bank of Scotland, and check out the performance those crazy violin-wielding Europeans are putting on for some tips. They were great! On to the 'important' stuff...


As much as you try to ditch it, Cheryl COLE is still your name. You were at your 'pop peak' when you used it, and it's not going away. I'm really sorry to anyone called Cheryl, as it is a nice name, but alone it really doesn't carry a pop career. Madonna, Elvis, Cheryl...

The album cover is just chavtastic. Loving the emphasis on the tramp stamp to stop you going, "Why doesn't it say Cheryl Co...". No wonder she's hiding her face.


So yeah, I'm pretty disappointed with the threads in Topman at the moment. They really are aimed at preppy curly haired uni boys, and don't really accommodate for anyone else at the moment. I did however, manage to find myself a cool ass bracelet in the accessories section. Here's a shot from my instagram (you can follow me at: slinkiestdave)


In the midst of a crazy evening last night (eating pasta bake then doing the dishes), I put on VH1 last night for the first time in literally years, and found I'd tuned in to catch some of 'The 50 Greatest One Hit Wonders'. What a find! Do you remember a song called Your Woman by White Town?? Thought not, but you'll definitely recognise it if you click the youtube link. 

The other observation, was that Hanson were MmmBopping away on that list, now surely they must wish they had been born a decade later... with a line up like that they'd be giving Glee and Beiberfield a run in the kiddy-infested charts. Bet Gary Glitter's loving music these days....

Much love #therealstylodelic


Wednesday 4 July 2012

MUSE, The Queen, and daddy long legs...

Hola! Thanks for checking out the blog again today - so I might as well dive on in to keep you reading :). I'm writing this on my lunch break in a humid as hell Glasgow office...


Good place to start seeing as Santana's pal is ringing in through the window. The Buchanan Street Busking Brigade really do grind my gears. Today has seen the return of the girl I like to call 'Rabbit in the Headlights'. I really feel bad for her... she is just too timid to do it and ends up literally making no noise other than the odd yelp. GRAB SOME BALLS! YOU CAN DO IT! I've blurred out her face but the pic below will let you see where she usually resides... go on - give her some encouragement - she might turn out to be amazing!


Okay, you won't know yet that Muse are my favourite band, but the fact they have been snapped up for the Olympics official theme tune reaaaaally makes me sad :(. I know it's an honour and all that, but it's a sure way to have your song played to death, and alienate anyone who has a problem with bands 'selling out'. At the end of the day they can put their track on the shelf along with 'The Olympic Toothbrush', and 'The Olympic Wallpaper paste'. Hmmmm....

The track seems okay, and I'm not sure if it's off of the new album or not but it's very similar to their last outing with a distinct Queen sound going through it. Although I really liked the last album, I've got my fingers crossed for a grimier reference to Origin of Symmetry in there somewhere. 

Here's a link to the Olympics single: Muse - Survival (Olympics theme) on youtube

Here's a link to the far more exciting album teaser!! Looks/sounds amazing: Muse - The 2nd Law - album trailer on youtube


So the queen's going around in Glasgow today. Must be quite the shock to the system after a lovely day out in Edinburgh yesterday, ankle tags everywhere haha.

They've organised a concert to celebrate her being here, but she has already been and gone (by 1pm) and George Square is now left to suffer from z-listers like Michelle McManus, Gamu (sounds like a comedy duck puppet from CBBC or something) and the wonderful 'Re-Take That' - good god.


I wouldn't like to be the girl sitting in front of this chump on the train... FFS. #PervThrust

Til next time! #therealstylodelic


Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Low Down...

Hey! So this is me, home from work, dinner had (bloody masterpiece tonight - pasta carbonara with fancy pants mushrooms and panchetta) and blogging like a maniac for the first time.

By the way, I just want to share this with your first off: Perfectly Timed Photos on Lost at E Minor
Found it god damn hilarious! The cat is AMAZEBALLS (extremely relevant description once you see the pic).

So here I am in a world that knows no boundaries, but with so many blogs/bloggers out there... where the hell do you start?!

Here's the lowdown. For anyone that doesn't know me already, I'm a creative designer based in Glasgow, with a love of music, design, football, xbox and other boy things. But whilst I'll refer to all of the above in various measures, I think I'm going to combine my love of music and design, and bring you my opinion on some of the latest work in those fields.

Don't worry, I won't be moaning about the use of 'Times New Roman' on the new Rihanna EP, but I will almost ALWAYS rip her to shreds for what has became of the pop music industry today haha. Be prepared Rihanna lovers :).

Oh, in the meantime, check out 'Leclerc' on Facebook. That's my musical venture. And is my creative website - lots of stuff on there to keep you amused!

The first look at design and dose of Rihanna bashing (oh, how Chris Brown of me) will come soon :D.

Much love,


DVP Introducing...

Well that's me back in the world of blogging and hopefully for the long term this time around. I think I managed about 3 paragraphs over a couple of blogging attempts last time, so here goes nothing. 

Even though I'm pretty certain I'm the only person reading this right now - I'll be looking to hit a niche that will bring in the punters and help me promote my art and music while talking some random crap that some people may see as 'very interesting crap'.

I'm at work now, so the opening blog will come tonight :).

Much love,