Friday 12 April 2013

New music, fashion, pop art and Amsterdam competition!

It has been some time since the last TRS blog, I can only apologise, and blame it on being here there and everywhere over the past month! As I started lunges at the gym yesterday, I think I will be sitting for the next few days, so there's plenty of time for blogs :D. Enjoy!

What you should be wearing

Kate Moss posed for Bryan Ferry's "Olympia" album cover. Why? Because he's the man. Now you can be the man too for £8 at Primark. Don't be a jealous guy, buy it now...

(Bask in your new found musical knowledge)

What you should be listening to

CHVRCHES. I'm guessing that's pronounced like Churches, if not, I'm lost. There music is outstanding. It wouldn't be out of place on the Drive soundtrack, but has a kick and purpose behind it as well as some sweet electro-sounding harmonies. Here's the recover EP - check it out!

(Track 3. Do it)

Stylodelic pop art

I've been busy creating some new fashion/pop prints over the last few weeks. Printed on tees or hanging on your living room wall, keep your eyes peeled for more of these on Stylodelic's facebook page.

(Geometric pop art babe)


So it's went from "igloo-building contest" to "69 shades of grey" outside. And in no way is that depressing...

Good news. One of TRS' favourite tee companies is running a comp for tickets to stoner-central Amsterdam for you and 5 of your mates? Love it. Even if it's raining - you won't be able to feel your face anyway :D. It's not just the holiday, you'll get your hands on Ringspun gear too. Sweet.

(If you win - please take me...)

And finally... where have you been, boy?!

Top of the list was my bro's (@angryandroid83) birthday celebrations. A surprise go-karting Grand Prix was probably my highlight of the year so far! Well, it was almost a surprise, @morjaz6364 not spoiled 2-months of my secret planning THE NIGHT BEFORE... yes, he is till hearing about it.

(Karting hoodlum-style)

I've said it before but I'll say it again. Bigger and better blogs to come more often from now on. Thanks again for reading. Til next time!


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