Monday 15 April 2013

Daft Punk and Pharrell, Tesco grub and converse at ASOS

I told you I would be back in Blogsville before you could throw an inflatable willy at a church elder. Here's the blog! :)

Daft Punk

They are back. Well, very soon they will be back. With Random Access Memories out on May 21st, we saw a brand new teaser trailer during SNL. Daft Punk, Pharrell and Nile Rodgers getting funky is something I could will watch on loop until the album comes out. AWESOME.

(...still watching on loop...)

Grab some grub

Hungry? Go to Tesco right? Bit of a bug when you find a real-life grub in your pistachios though right?! Disappointed not to find a small horse embryo or something... but this was comical none the less. I still have the evidence... what should I do with it?! Answers on a postcard - or on twitter with #tescogrub

(Tesco's own Angel Delight contains 3% GENUINE angel)

Converse for £11?

Just like finding creatures in your nuts (I'm aware of how that sounds and I'm comfortable with it), you can find some random treasures in the ASOS sale. Check out this funky Converse iPhone cover. It's half price at £10, and there's much more where that came from.

(Please DO attempt to wear your phone case as a shoe)

That's all for this week folks. I'm off to see the awesome Hadouken! at the Arches in Glasgow this Friday with @StephenALOL - drop us a line if you're heading along too. Pics to come in the next blog. ADIOS!


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