Friday 26 April 2013

Hadouken!, Bloc Party, more master baking, and Mick Foley

It's been a busy week and a few things to cram into TRS today, so let's dive in!

Mic Check

Front row and centre at one of my favourite bands last Friday at the Arches. It was a great gig. Even if the chick on the keyboards looked like she was sitting at her in-laws house waiting for the conversation about Janice down the road to finish. Played most of their top tunes, and the lasers were burning my eyeballs out. Nice one.

(Levitate - how I managed to take this whilst jumping non-stop, I'll never know)

What you should be listening to

Bloc Party. Never thought I'd say it, but they should be top of your playlist. Heard 'Truth' at the gym this morning and kept me going on the cross trainer (I hate that beast). Great melody and cracking video, check it out.

(Cool v-v-v-v-ideo)

Masterbaking continues

I'm not gonna lie, I love a good masterbake. An evening of pleasure was had making these bad boys, they look so good I bet you can almost taste them. Nom. Got the caramel slice recipe from a cracking android app called "Allthecooks". You should definitely check it out for all kinds of recipes, not just masterbaking - there's other apps for that...

(Heart burn in a slice. DO IT)

Mick Foley aka Mankind. Cactus Jack? Dude Love?! Fat bearded wrestler-guy??

If you still don't know who he is, I guess you never will. My geek side took over last night as I went to see a new stand-up show from Mick Foley. Was great to hear stories about the wrestling from when I used to watch it religiously. He did talk a lot about sex though, in fact, I think I learned more about Hulk Hogan's penis than anything else!

(PLEASE do an elbow drop from the stage!)

Well that's my week right there for ya. I'm off out for a steak at Ad Lib in Merchant City tonight. Get. In. My. Belly. Much love! x


Monday 15 April 2013

Daft Punk and Pharrell, Tesco grub and converse at ASOS

I told you I would be back in Blogsville before you could throw an inflatable willy at a church elder. Here's the blog! :)

Daft Punk

They are back. Well, very soon they will be back. With Random Access Memories out on May 21st, we saw a brand new teaser trailer during SNL. Daft Punk, Pharrell and Nile Rodgers getting funky is something I could will watch on loop until the album comes out. AWESOME.

(...still watching on loop...)

Grab some grub

Hungry? Go to Tesco right? Bit of a bug when you find a real-life grub in your pistachios though right?! Disappointed not to find a small horse embryo or something... but this was comical none the less. I still have the evidence... what should I do with it?! Answers on a postcard - or on twitter with #tescogrub

(Tesco's own Angel Delight contains 3% GENUINE angel)

Converse for £11?

Just like finding creatures in your nuts (I'm aware of how that sounds and I'm comfortable with it), you can find some random treasures in the ASOS sale. Check out this funky Converse iPhone cover. It's half price at £10, and there's much more where that came from.

(Please DO attempt to wear your phone case as a shoe)

That's all for this week folks. I'm off to see the awesome Hadouken! at the Arches in Glasgow this Friday with @StephenALOL - drop us a line if you're heading along too. Pics to come in the next blog. ADIOS!


Friday 12 April 2013

New music, fashion, pop art and Amsterdam competition!

It has been some time since the last TRS blog, I can only apologise, and blame it on being here there and everywhere over the past month! As I started lunges at the gym yesterday, I think I will be sitting for the next few days, so there's plenty of time for blogs :D. Enjoy!

What you should be wearing

Kate Moss posed for Bryan Ferry's "Olympia" album cover. Why? Because he's the man. Now you can be the man too for £8 at Primark. Don't be a jealous guy, buy it now...

(Bask in your new found musical knowledge)

What you should be listening to

CHVRCHES. I'm guessing that's pronounced like Churches, if not, I'm lost. There music is outstanding. It wouldn't be out of place on the Drive soundtrack, but has a kick and purpose behind it as well as some sweet electro-sounding harmonies. Here's the recover EP - check it out!

(Track 3. Do it)

Stylodelic pop art

I've been busy creating some new fashion/pop prints over the last few weeks. Printed on tees or hanging on your living room wall, keep your eyes peeled for more of these on Stylodelic's facebook page.

(Geometric pop art babe)


So it's went from "igloo-building contest" to "69 shades of grey" outside. And in no way is that depressing...

Good news. One of TRS' favourite tee companies is running a comp for tickets to stoner-central Amsterdam for you and 5 of your mates? Love it. Even if it's raining - you won't be able to feel your face anyway :D. It's not just the holiday, you'll get your hands on Ringspun gear too. Sweet.

(If you win - please take me...)

And finally... where have you been, boy?!

Top of the list was my bro's (@angryandroid83) birthday celebrations. A surprise go-karting Grand Prix was probably my highlight of the year so far! Well, it was almost a surprise, @morjaz6364 not spoiled 2-months of my secret planning THE NIGHT BEFORE... yes, he is till hearing about it.

(Karting hoodlum-style)

I've said it before but I'll say it again. Bigger and better blogs to come more often from now on. Thanks again for reading. Til next time!
