Friday 23 November 2012

It's (Rebecca) Black Friday, Nero, & Southern Comfort ad

Well since my last blog, I've been attacked by internet pirates and contracted man flu... it's time to fight back. There could be no better day on which to post the latest blog. It's.....

(Rebecca) Black Friday!!!

It's time for everyone to shriek in fear. Recoil at the thought of it. Hide from it at all costs... You can make your own mind up as to whether I'm talking Black Friday, or Rebecca Black's "Friday". Either way, I bet it has been a hell of a time since you last heard it, so stick it on and get in that Friday mindset. Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Listen here - you know you want to.

(Let's get #rebeccablackfriday trending)

Okay, some real tunes

If you did jump into the land of teenage dreams and make believe rappers there, here's the remedy. Nero. An electronic act who have some banging beats, and helped Muse produce a couple of tracks on The 2nd Law. If they are good enough for Matt Bellamy, they are good enough for me. Have a listen on Spotify.

Jimmy Choo's Smelly Shoo

It is of course the fragrance from Jimmy Choo. Are you running low on your "Curdled Milk" or "Sewer Submarine" perfume? It's time for something new. I was intrigued to see a fragrance from this guy. There's always the risk that you may smell like cheesy feet for a few months, but then again that could just be your thing!

Loaded Tee

I like this. A lot. There's not much more for me to say here. It's the ergh, colour that does it for me I think...

And if the Christmas shopping all gets too much...

Take a leaf out of this guys book. The new Southern Comfort ad is my favourite thing on television right now, even over Ashley from the Pussycat Dolls. This guy just doesn't give a damn, and is the height of cool. There's a big party season just around the corner so chill out, and have a Southern Comfort (other drinks available) tonight.

(When I grow up... I wanna be this guy)

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday 14 November 2012

Jimmy Eat World, Hilton Glasgow and Topman

Here to set trends rather than just discuss them... here's the latest TRS. Sorry for the delay since the last entry, I've been rather busy out and about! Tomorrow night I'll be at the opening party for Chaophraya Thai Restaurant in Edinburgh, with the wonderful @morjaz6364 - so best squeeze this in now :).

Hilton's Bday

Hilton Glasgow celebrated it's 20th Birthday with a great party last Thursday night. I took this pic of the acrobats (may have been waiters) and the ice sculpture, and that's about the last thing I remember. Check out their 3 new bar/restaurants open now - they all seemed pretty slick!

(Ice to see you... I said it)

Topman's Topshelf.

Topman was once somewhere to go when you wanted the coolest tees or something for the weekend. Basically since falling behind to the likes of Primark, they've hit a midlife crisis... Check out this selection from the Argyll Street store.

(Where's Rylan to model these for us?)

Missing The Middle

I've been missing out. It has taken years and finally the discovery of Spotify to bring the joys of Jimmy Eat World to my attention. A great band, and similar to the type of music I'll be making with @StephenALOL in the new Leclerc recording sessions! I'd only ever heard "The Middle", but with so many albums of theirs, I'm have a JEW orgy...... (sounds very odd).

(Celebrity interaction is like heroin - I'd imagine)

I'm a Celebrity

It's started pretty well and I actually recognize at least 8 of the contestants. A welcome break from a lot of the other chaff out there at the moment. Here's a preview...

(Awful at everything bar showering)

See you all next time,


Friday 2 November 2012

Halloween, Muse, Drive and Gwen Stefani

Now that Halloween has passed, it's going to go Christ-mental (not sure that worked...). I promise not to delve into that until advent calendar time - I will then go mental from chocolate overload. Here's the blog...

Jazzing it up for Halloween

Saturday night's the night for... painting your face in a ridiculous manner. I wish I could do this every weekend in the year, but Halloween is the perfect opportunity to go mental and cause a scene without anyone recognising you as the person doing Gangnam Style in the middle of the road at 3am.

(Any excuse to Boosh it up)

Muse at the SECC

Well you know I had my dilemmas prior to the release of the new album, but my fav band did not disappoint with a brilliant set at the SECC. Right down the front, a few feet from Matt Bellamy at times... AMAZING. The gig focused on a lot of their more anthemic and synthy tracks with amazing lighting and dynamic video walls. Definitely a highlight of 2012!

(Muse Montage - @StylodelicDave on instagram)


I love this film. It just works. Cool, arty, and an awesome soundtrack including Kavinsky - Nightcall. The reason I bring it up is that I'm looking to get a framed poster for the house, as the artwork is also extremely cool!

(Must watch)

Gwen Stefani and the Twitterati

Twitter's generally somewhere to talk to yourself and hope someone listens. My first tweet to get a pretty large reaction was thanks to the fountain of youth, and Gwen Stefani.

(Tartan is back in this season)

Thanks for reading. I'll try and get the next post up a bit sooner :).

