Friday 28 September 2012

Phantom, Threads and The Killers

Well I managed to bag a sneaky day off today, so that's me free to reflect on the past weeks events...

Phantom of the Opera

Last Friday saw me sitting front row, centre of the circle in Edinburgh Playhouse watching the newest performance of Phantom. Having grown up listening to the soundtrack... was a genuinely amazing experience to see it live for the first time. Highly recommended.


This place has really mad an impression on me in the last year. Some awesome threads and with Lana Del Rey (definitely would) and David Beckham (possibly still.would) sporting their range, they must be doing something right.

(Resisted temptation to super-impose myself...)

The Killers

YESSSS! So I've been awaiting this album along with Muse' latest effort for some time, worrying if they will be back at there best... good news, if you think Sam's Town was the Killers doing it properly, this album has a lot of similarities, and some really good tracks! Definitely worth a download and up there for best album of the year.

(The Killers - Battleborn. Rated 8.5/10)

Well I must go and enjoy my long weekend! Much love :)


Sunday 16 September 2012

Crowds in Glasgow and music madness

So it's been a week or so since I last blogged, and it's been a pretty random 7 days with Olympians parading through Glasgow and celebrities outside the office window...



So first off, two of my favourite bands right here. The only problem is, I'm extremely worried about their latest releases... Muse' Olympic track was a bit of a right off apart from a couple of cool guitar bits, and although Madness is a good track, it's not on par with what they've brought out in the past. Again, the Killers single just felt a bit "let's just get this out there". Looking forward to a pleasant surprise!

Youtube links:
The Killers - Runaways

Robbie Williams

Bit of interest outside House of Fraser during the week as Robbie Williams launches some new range on Buchanan Street right outside our office. Pretty random to say the least. My mum is ""Well Jel"...

( My pic is going strong on Twitter!)

Pussy Riot

Remember the band that made a scene in a Russian Cathedral? Well as it's obviously the cool thing to do (Julian Assange/Kone style), a whole host of people are rallying behind something they know little about. I did however like this illustration as cat's are in general pretty hilarious...

Pussy Riot merchandise on Fab UK.

Sloan Sabbith

My favourite show on TV had it's season finale on Tuesday. The Newsroom on Sky Atlantic is genuinely the only thing that's kept me in front of the box for years. Jeff Daniels played a blinder, but it was all about Sloan Sabbith (played by Olivia Munn)... PLEASE GOD give us a second season - and definitely get the box set if you missed it!

Til next time folks...




Monday 3 September 2012

Segway rallying, books and boobs

Been a busy weekend with bowling and a house party to say goodbye to Big Al who's heading to the States for a couple of years, followed by some Segway Rallying on Sunday! I sound like I get out a lot don't I? Excellent...


So when I blog I tend to tag my topics on Twitter, FB etc. Pulp Fiction came up in last weeks blog and this has lead to an outstanding discovery on Twitter! "Topless Pulp Fiction" seems to be the liberal book-worm and peeping Tom's paradise! Not for the faint hearted. Follow them here: @ToplessPulp

(Anne Hathaway and Helen whats-her-face from Soccer AM)

Segway Rallying

My uncle is often lost for what to get me and my bro (@AngryAndroid83) for Christmas, but this time he hit the nail on the head with what at first sounded a bit odd... Segway Rallying. But this was well and truly one of my favourite experiences of the year! Pics to come on Twitter soon! Definitely try it if you ever get the chance!

(Helmets ALWAYS make me look spesh)


Pretty cool tee in H&M at the moment. I'm not the biggest Nirvana fan (excuse my ignorance) but if you are, I really like the design on this number.

(Screw it, I'll download there album so I can buy this tomorrow...)

Well that's all for tonight guys,

Til next time, much love!

