Friday 15 November 2013

TRS Edition 25 - Glasgow, Artpop, Beards and Fashion

Hi folks, bit of a milestone for me today with this being the 25th TRS blog :). Hope you've enjoyed reading them and if this is your first, check out some of the older posts - some cool stuff along the way you may have missed!

And amazing news to celebrate! Wellington is keeping his hat for a while longer... only in Glasgow would there be an uproar at the news the council were trying to remove road cones. Pop culture prevails!

(enough said...)

Design/music... Lady Gaga - Artpop

This crazy mentalist's latest album has made it in to TRS for two reasons. Firstly, the Artpop cover is top notch. Very cool use of colours and love the Lady Gaga type. That's the brief design banter out the way... it also has a few heavy french-electronic sounding tracks on there. Always good.

Check out tracks G.U.Y. and Fashion...

(Giant balls between her legs... always knew it)

(Crackling tune...)

Face up to... The Beard

Using the guise of Movember (this confuses everyone as to what a 'moustache' actually is), I am beginning to cultivate a beard. There's not much to say, other than things may get a bit hairy when my gran sees it. This is an accurate artists impression...

(photoshop master)

Wearing... Lyle & Scott Vintage Polo

Classic polo with all over tartan print. It's pretty funky... I feel that now I am growing a beard I should probably wear costumes including numbers like this. Can see this under a leather jacket looking pretty damn funkadelic. £60 at ASOS if you fancy splashing out for the weekend. 

(his face annoyed me...)

Finally... Pug Cushions

Get yourself a couple of wee pals for sofa dates. Available at tesco... they speak for themselves for under a tenner each.

(Why the long f-.... just doesn't work for pugs)

25 down... thanks for reading again guys!

Much love,

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