Tuesday 15 January 2013

All things new for 2013. Tunes, threads and resolutions

It's me, I'm here! After a hectic christmas and NY, TRS is back. I fell into a food coma when last trying to blog in December so thought I'd save it for 2013. Time for all things new...

New tunes - Matrix & Futurebound

2012 is over, and hopefully we see the quick and painless death of Emili Sande's music career. It's time for something fresh, and here's a top quality track that I discovered over the weekend. Drum and bass but with a fresh sound for the new year...

(Kick-ass chorus)

New threads - Blue, Yellow, White.

I went a bit mental with the christmas shopping in November/December, so the thought of shopping for new clothes in Jan in a bit of a killer... cue saviour!

The sales stuff is horrible on the high street, but never fear. For just £90 you can kit yourself out with ASOS Look of the Week. The shirt won't be to everyone's taste but I actually quite like it. Blue, white and yellow are the colours of 2013, so you'll be bang on trend and you might just have some pennies left to wear it out to the pub before payday.

(I hope there's two people in the pub 
wearing exactly this at the same time...)

New skills - masterbaking

Some of you will know about my NY resolution. For the past 2 years it has been to try 12 new things a year. So within about an hour on Thursday night, I'd considered the idea of baking, bought the equipment and ingredients, and baked a cappuccino cake of all things. One down, eleven to go.

Tweet me your NY resolutions @StylodelicDave with hashtag #trs.

(Tasted amazeballs... I'm going to end up a podgemeister)

Same old ...

Unfortunately people are still retards. All we can do is laugh...

Til next time. Please follow me on Twitter :).
